Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's my first post for 2011! :)

So many things happened over this few months.
School is going to start soon on 26 Jan. And I need more discipline to keep myself on the studying mode now. I must do well this sem!

Work has been not bad.
I think being HR is such a tough work, especially when you get to see everyone's salary. and during appraisal, get to see their grades and increment they are going to get when you get none of it.
It's perfectly ok when you see deserving ppl get what they should deserve. But it's those not up to standard ppl, who are pets of certain managers, got better grades and pay raise which will make you feel unjust and 心理不平衡. Especially when some of them are your close friends and you will tend to compare yourself to them.

this is life. haiz.

Have to learn slowly to accept this.
But does this all mean that hardwork doesn't matter anymore?
since you just have to bootlick and become mgt's pets in order to climb up or get your salary inrement?

but somehow I think those who bootlick and be mgt's pets don't have any substance. hmm.... but i think this is how the real life works.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

1 month ago.
My house before the makeover.... I miss the sofas and the cupboards. They've been with us since young.... and we have to throw them away.......

3 weeks later .....
After all the furnitures are being thrown away. My house is empty.

Another 2 weeks later, they came to make the flooring. Now the floor has 2 different patterns... which I don't really like. And my parents bought air-con! And it's still the same after like 1 month plus.... really....... the wait is a bit too long..

This is the draft of how the house will look like when it's done! Exciting? hmm... I'm not really that excited. Coz the living room seems to be smaller. hmm....

Sunday, September 05, 2010




我已经遗忘 生活是肥皂香水眼影唇膏
许多的电话在响 许多的事要备忘
许多的门与抽屉 开了又关 关了又开如此的慌张

我来来往往 我匆匆忙忙 
从一个方向 到另一个方向

忙忙忙 忙忙忙 
忙是为了自己的理想 还是为了不让别人失望
盲盲盲 盲盲盲 
盲的已经没有主张 盲的已经失去方向

忙忙忙 盲盲盲 
忙的分不清欢喜和忧伤 忙的没有时间痛哭一场

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Many things to be happy about.
happy coz it's holiday for me right now!
happy coz i'm finally free from studies!
happy coz things are going on track for now.
happy coz i am stress free! lolz...
happy coz of the weather. it's been a cold and rainy week.
happy that i can finally go out with my friends! :)
life is short too mourn over trival things. why not look at life from another perspective?


一步一步,slow and steady, 一定可以的
已经活了quarter life 了,也慢慢学到‘凡是都要看开点,不要太执着’
i mean what for being so stubborn, will you get what you desire for?
in the end, the result is getting yourself hurt... and who will empathize with you?? it's somehow, to say it bluntly, 自找的, so... 何必呢?
如果凡是都要称心如愿,your life will be quite miserable as it will not happen all the time.
Just happy happy and 充实的过一天!yeah!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A song which I found! Love it!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I was going through a rough patch this few weeks. It's been a stressful one until I broke down. But I thank God for His love and bringing people to be there for me.

Recently, I've received a thank you email from a friend. It touched my heart and somehow, it just lifted my spirit a little after reading it. I set high expectations on the things I do, so... maybe that's why I ended up so stressed up.

I always think whatever I do is not good enough, doesn't have significance on anyone but I was wrong. God used me in a different way.

Last saturday, i went to church as usual, listen to sermon and went for celgroup (now we call it life group).
During service, sermon is talking about FISH, bringing people to know Christ. Pastor told us to write a letter to people who made you want to come to church, and who is the one who make you want stay and to lead you to recieve Christ. Immediately I thought of you. You are the one who encourage me and disciple me in the beginning. You may not know how much impact you have made in my christian life. Without you, I may not be a christian right now even though my parents are. Your love and care was the reason why I want to come to church every sat in the beggining, after that I know God more during discipleship.
And He became the reason I come to church right now. He is indeed an awesome God.

I am now serving as an usher and a assistant celgroup leader. And really love God. He is now the reason why I am here on earth.

Because you 1st show me how great He is.

Thanz a million for sharing God words, and the gospel to me. Continue to share to more people and impact more people lifes. :)

And during work, an admin despatched out some sweets for me. Got a shocked when I see the envelope was filled with some sweets. It's just when I needed it.

A friend called me on the phone when she knows I'm feeling down. Complaint to her alot of things and feel better after letting it out. thanks for hearing me out and be there!

And thank my family as well who always listen, encourage and love me.

Had a company event ytd. So glad it's over and we all had fun!

the planning process was a tedious one but we saw the final results at the end which turned out better than expected. extremely fulfilling to see our hardwork paid off.

yay... finally it's over and can rest for a short while for now until the next event during Apr.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

did a terrible thing ytd and today which makes me so guilty.
haiz... have to terminate the service of 5 staff coz their contract ended. sad.

it's a turmoil to the soul.

suddenly feel that a job as HR is so cruel. somemore during this kind of festive season and they come to work happily but have to go home sadly without a job.
it's painful to see them say goodbyes to their colleagues after working for 2 years and it's the end.

it really came as a shock to the 5 of them. just feel that it should be make known to them a month before so as to prepare them for job hunt and etc..... but .... it's not the case over here. Perhaps we deal with confidential products so nobody wants to be the "bad guy" and we also don't know how to approach them.

so.... it's really until the end then we take action. awwwww.... how cruel.....
but i guess someone has to be the bad one. and that's me... and i think i am the innocent one... coz i feel it's not what i should do in the first place.... it seems like i'm being drag into this. haiz..
but it's a good experience.

the cruel side of hr. :(